This is a roundup of news articles, reports, and other materials focusing on (in)security issues and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of Security in Context. The goal is to shed light on knowledge production on security-related issues of public interest from critical perspectives and from global south readings by highlighting media from four particular regions: Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, and developing Asia. Entries may include academic journal articles, think tank reports, non-governmental organizations releases, official documents or government-commissioned research, and regular news items. The material included covers SiC's key security issues: Climate Change, Security and International Relations, Migration and Displacement, Covid-19 and Capitalism, Technologies of Surveillance, Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Sexuality, Arms and the Military-industrial Complex, and Censorship. 
You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each roundup to

Latin America and the Caribbean

The Puerto Rico Status Act: After the Vote

June 20, 2022

The Puerto Rico Status Act is to be considered by a key congressional committee. With much controversy surrounding the options on the ballot, how each option is being defined, and the fate of U.S. citizenship in Puerto Rico, the debate about the proposal continues.

Indigenous groups in Ecuador defy curfew to protest fuel hike 

June 19, 2022 

Despite a state of emergency imposed in three provinces, the Indigenous groups in Ecuador continue to protest and defy curfews. The situation continues to escalate as the demands for reductions in fuel prices and economic reforms persist. 

COLOMBIA: Petro and Hernández make final push  

June 16, 2022

The date approaches for Colombian voters to go to the polls and elect their next president on June 19 in one of the most unusual election campaigns in modern history. While electoral surveys show either candidate winning by small margins as they grapple to reach the undecided voters, a last-minute judicial ruling, challenged by candidate Rodolfo Hernández, obliges the candidates to hold a debate. 

López Obrador and Bolsonaro win at the Summit  

June 16, 2022

At the Summit of the Americas, hosted by the United States this past June 6-10 2022, two leaders arguably came out as victors. While President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil is said to have scored political points for attending. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico is said to have scored points by not attending. 

Bolsonaro blamed as evidence mounts of Amazon murders

June 16, 2022

Anger grows amongst family, friends, colleagues, and nature defenders as evidence suggests that British journalist Dom Phillips and Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira were murdered in the Amazon. President Bolsonaro's agenda regarding the Amazon is to blame for the tragic deaths. 


News: First China-Horn peace conference agrees to peaceful resolution of regional problems, combat terrorism, illegal arms among others

June 21, 2022

The first meeting of a new peace conference between the Horn of Africa and China marks another effort by China to establish environmental, economic, and military cooperation with African countries. 

Suspected jihadists kill more than 130 civilians in Mali 

June 21, 2022

Jihadists in Mali are suspected of having killed over 100 hundred people and abducted others. Witnesses say this atrocity is quite common in Mali and continues to spread to neighboring countries. 

S. Africa’s $8.5 Billion Climate Pact May Draw New Partners 

June 21, 2022

Several European countries offer South Africa a multi-billion-dollar climate agreement that would help the country transition from coal, which accounts for 80% of its energy, to sustainable energy. 

East African leaders propose deploying regional force to help DRC 

June 20, 2022

Several east African leaders met in Kenya in order to discuss violence caused by M23 insurgents in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 

Three Gulf, nine African sovereign funds sign deal for investment

June 20, 2022

Gulf Investment funds meet with 9 African countries to discuss economic development and further investment in Africa. 

Forum of Solidarity with Sahrawi People: Decolonization of Western Sahara is UN’s responsibility

June 18, 2022

Participants in Sahara insist that it is the UN’s responsibility, specifically the Security Council, to decolonize African countries that have been historically crushed by colonizing forces. 

Ethiopia forms body to negotiate with rebellious Tigray forces

June 14, 2022

The Ethiopian government formed a negotiating body to communicate diplomatically with the northern region of Tigray. The conflict has raged on for over 2 years and has displaced over 9 million people. 

Clashes in Sudan's Darfur Kill More Than 100

June 13, 2022

Arab and non-Arab groups clash in Sudan killing hundreds in the last few months. What started as a land dispute has evolved into a significant security issue which Sudan’s government has been ill-equipped to handle.


Middle East 

Iran claims it arrested Israeli spies plotting to kill nuclear scientists

June 21, 2022

Three spies were caught in an effort to assassinate Iranian nuclear scientists. Tensions between Iran remain high as Iran continues to make serious condemnations and Israel continues to be suspected to have assassinated scientists and infiltrated Iran’s military. 

Egypt, Saudi Arabia sign agreements on green hydrogen, infrastructure

June 21, 2022

Egypt and Saudi Arabia sign 14 agreements on commerce and environmental development to the tune of 7.7 billion dollars. 

Turkish firm sells armed drone Songar to African, Asian countries

June 21, 2022

Turkey has developed and sold an armed drone called Songar to different countries. This is part of Turkey's overall rapid military development.

More political prisoners to be pardoned on occasion of 30 June revolution’s anniversary

June 20, 2022

More political prisoners in Egypt are to be released on June 30 as more and more social pressure is exerted on Sisi. However, many more continue to serve multi-year sentences without a fair trial. 

Iraq clears debts to Iran in blow to U.S. sanctions

June 20, 2022

Iran and Iraq work together to lighten the blow of economic sanctions from the U.S. and expand their economic and energy relations. 

Israeli Army Kills A Palestinian Worker Near Qalqilia

June 19, 2022

Israeli authorities shot several rounds at workers who were near the Annexation Wall near the northern region of the West Bank. One worker was killed and taken by Israeli personnel. 

Why has Gaza’s sea turned black?

June 16, 2022

As Israel encroaches on Palestinian land, Israeli authorities target Palestinian power sources. This geopolitical strategy has plunged much of Gaza into darkness. 

Egypt’s Al-Sisi, European Commission chief discuss cooperation in energy sector

June 15, 2022

The President of Egypt at a joint press conference with representatives from the EU stated that Egypt would like to strengthen its ties with the EU in order to develop economically and combat terrorism. 

Developing Asia 

Delhi's IGI Airport Becomes The First In India To Run Entirely On Hydro And Solar Power

June 22, 2022

The New Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport has become entirely carbon neutral as India takes more steps toward combating climate change. 

Millions affected after deadly floods hit India and Bangladesh

June 22, 2022

Bangladesh and India struggle to help Bangladeshi authorities deal with massive floods. The catastrophic flooding has affected over 3.5 million people. 

Digital contention in post-coup Myanmar

June 20, 2022

This article explores the different ways that the government in Myanmar and dissident groups clash politically and how each side utilizes different forms of media to form its narrative. 

Domestic workers urge better deal

June 19, 2022

Domestic workers in Thailand demand maternity leave and 8-hour work limits in lieu of International Domestic Workers Day on June 16. 

Thailand vows to uphold 'diplomatic neutrality'

June 19, 2022

Thailand has refused to automatically side with the U.S. over international conflicts. NSC secretary-general Gen Supoj Malaniyom urges that conflict be solved diplomatically and peacefully. 

Explainer | Why is China’s inflation rate low compared to the US, Europe and Britain?

June 17, 2022

China has taken a different economic approach to deal with various catastrophes such as the War in Ukraine and Covid-19. Furthermore, China is not reliant on importing goods and services with means unstable energy prices due to supply chain disruptions are not as disastrous. 

A closer look at India’s wheat export ban

June 16, 2022

India looks to limit wheat export in order to curb overall inflation. However, India has made exceptions for certain low-income allied countries that rely on India’s wheat export. 

Key Issues 

This section includes the most pressing news regarding SiC's key security issues. 

PMF artillery bombards ISIS targets in Diyala

June 22, 2022

The PMF in Iraq takes military action against Isis targets residing north of Baquba

#ASDailyScoop: More than 8 million Ethiopians acutely food insecure, 1.5 million livestock dead due to drought: IOM

June 21, 2022

A historic drought scorches several regions in Ethiopia leaving millions of people food insecure. One in five Ethiopians has been displaced by this intense drought. 

Israel heading to polls as coalition moves to dissolve parliament

June 20, 2022

Israel will hold its 5th election in 4 years as the new coalition government has failed. The current PM hopes to dissolve the Knesset in order to block former PM Netanyahu from being re-elected. 

WAFA: “Israeli Colonizers Rebuild Outpost On Palestinian lands Near Nablus”

June 19, 2022

For a third time in the last few weeks, Israel settlers have illegally fortified an outpost on a hilltop in the West Bank. 

Sudan remembers 3 June 2019

June 8, 2022

Every year a protest is held to remember those who were killed during the Ramadan Massacre on June 3, 2019, in Sudan. Protesters continue to demand that the Sudanese government be held accountable for the Massacre yet nobody has been charged. 

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May 22, 2022
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