This is a roundup of news articles, reports, and other materials focusing on (in)security issues and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of Security in Context. The goal is to shed light on knowledge production on security-related issues of public interest from critical perspectives and from global south readings by highlighting media from four particular regions: Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, and developing Asia. Entries may include academic journal articles, think tank reports, non-governmental organizations releases, official documents or government-commissioned research, and regular news items. The material included covers SiC's key security issues: Climate Change, Security and International Relations, Migration and Displacement, Covid-19 and Capitalism, Technologies of Surveillance, Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Sexuality, Arms and the Military-industrial Complex, and Censorship. 
You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each roundup to

Latin America and the Caribbean 

PAHO supports health authorities in Haiti in the response to the re-emergence of cholera

October 8 , 2022

Haitian public health authorities along with the Pan American Health Organization are working closely together to deal with an outbreak of Cholera in the country.

Latin American economies at pre-pandemic levels but GDPs hide much poverty and inequality

October 7th, 2022

Despite the economies of Latin America and Caribbean countries seemingly recovering to the point of pre-pandemic levels, the World Bank warns that their economies must rebuild in a way that avoids a new cycle of low growth.

UN renews human rights mission in Venezuela

October 7, 2022

On October 7th the United Nations Human Rights Council renewed the mandate of its human rights mission in Venezuela, a mandate that the Venezuelan government considers interferes with their domestic matters.

Argentina inflation forecast to top 100% as prices spiral

October 6, 2022

According to an analyst survey published by Argentina's central bank, this year their annual inflation could hit 100.3%.

Ecuadorian women march against gender violence

October 3, 2022

In response to the 206 femicides already recorded in Ecuador during 2022, Ecuadorian women took to the streets to protest in light of the murder of Maria Belen Bernal.

Left in the Dark After Hurricane Ian, Cuba Begins Restoring Power.

September 28, 2022

Cuba’s Electric Union releases a statement about authorities working through the night in order to restore power back to the 11 million residents who lost it.


Burkinabes react to Ibrahim Traoré's appointment as head of state

October 7, 2022 

Captain Ibrahim Traoré, leader of the 30 September coup d'etat in Burkina Faso has taken control of the country and appointed himself leader. There are mixed reactions from the public as he becomes the youngest world leader at the age of 34. 

CDC, WHO, Uganda to host regional meeting as Ebola spreads

October 6, 2022

International health organizations meet in Uganda to discuss a new strain of Ebola which has infect4d over 40 people in Sudan. There is currently no vaccine for this new strain which has a 69% fatality rate. 

African Union condemns latest coup in Burkina Faso calling it 'unconstitutional'

October 1, 2022

The African Union has condemned a coup in Burkina Faso being led by Captain Ibrahim Traore, who overthrew Lieutenant-Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba after his self-installment in January.

News: Amid communication blackout Rights Commission says more than 100 civilians killed in recent violence in western Oromia

September 28, 2022

The Ethiopia Human Rights Commission reported more than 100 civilians were killed by armed militia and authorities in western Oromia as a result of identity-based violence. 

DRC declares end to latest Ebola virus outbreak

September 27, 2022

The DRC has declared the latest Ebola outbreak in the country is over. This comes after Uganda has declared an outbreak that they are trying to curb, which has left at least five dead as of September 27.

Middle East

OPEC+ plans major oil production cut despite US pressure

October 5, 2022

OPEC plans to cut oil production even as the U.S. urges oil producing countries to do the opposite. This policy change comes at a particularly precarious time as the global oil market becomes increasingly narrow. 

Turkish government rallies public against food waste

September 29, 2022

Turkey’s Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Vahit Kirişçi, has called on the public to focus on consumption of food in order to prevent waste in the country.

KRG ignores Iran’s warnings, IRGC resumes operation in northern Iraq

September 28, 2022

The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps has resumed operations against terrorist bases in Iraq after their warnings to Iraqi Kurdistan authorities went ignored.

Sudan coup leader bids to co-opt pro-democracy movement

September 27, 2022

Despite involvement in a coup against the Sudanese government, paramilitary leader Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo has attempted to reach out to pro-democracy groups in the country after declaring the coup that took place last year a failure.

Developing Asia

Enough food grain stock available in country to meet requirements: Govt

October 2, 2022

India’s Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food, and Public Distribution has stated there is enough food in the country to keep prices of atta, rice, and wheat under control.

N.Korea conducts fourth ballistic missile launch in a week

October 1, 2022

North Korea has conducted four ballistic missile launches just before South Korea’s Armed Forces Day, the travel distance of the missiles equal to the distance from the launch site to South Korea’s Army, Navy, and Air Force Headquarters.

NHRC hails elective abortion law

September 30, 2022

The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand has praised an amendment that allows for abortion between 12 and 20 weeks.

India bans Muslim group PFI for alleged ‘terror’ links

September 28, 2022

India has declared the Popular Front of India an unlawful terrorist group, placing a ban on the group in the country for five years following 100 arrests earlier in the month.

Key Issues 

This section includes the latest and most pressing news regarding SiC's key security issues.

Russia is committed to principle of inadmissibility of waging a nuclear war: Russia’s FM

October 8, 2022

Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, addresses Zelensky’s call for a “preemptive strike” on Russia as absurd threats from the “Kiev Regime.” Lavrov argues that the people European nations will suffer economic consequences of “Russophobia pursued by their politicians,” as energy prices in Europe skyrocket and wages decline. 

Iran's Hijab War – An Expression Of The Struggle For Political Freedom: Part II

October 7, 2022

The Iranian government has corsened its head covering policy amid civil unrest. This report details the governments political responses and their explanations for their harsh enforcement. 

UN calls for humanitarian corridor in Haiti’s crisis-hit capital

October 6, 2022

Due to armed gangs blocking the main fuel terminal all while Haiti deals with an economic crisis, insecurity, and cholera outbreak, the United Nations have called for the opening of a

“humanitarian corridor”.

Another stress test for democracy: The imminent election crisis in Brazil

October 5, 2022

With no clear winner emerging after the first round of Brazil’s presidential election, Brazilians will have to go to the polls once more on Oct. 30th as Bolsonaro’s right-wing conservatism

continues to threaten democracy.

Nord Stream pipeline leaks: What happened, what’s the impact?

September 27, 2022

Several unusual damages to Russia’s Nordstream pipelines have jeopardized the flow of energy from Russia to Europe. It seems that these damages were caused by organized sabotage. European nations argue that Russia is behind the attack while Russia claims that the U.S. or its allies are the culprit. 

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Oct 11, 2022
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